Hey all,
I'm trying to get DMD to compile in x64 under Wine but I'm having
issues with:
"LLVM ERROR: Could not acquire a cryptographic context: Unknown
error (0x80090017)
Stack dump:
0. Program arguments: C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\lld-link.exe
/NOLOGO test.obj /DEFAULTLIB:phobos64 /OPT:NOICF
Error: linker exited with status 1"
The file I'm trying to compile is simply a basic hello world with
1 writeln (compiles fine under Windows).
Compilation string is simply: "wine64 cmd.exe /c 'dmd -m64
.\test.d'". It works fine if I remove "-m64".
I'm using DMD instead of LDC because the resulting x64 binary
doesn't rely on vcruntime140.dll or any other DLLs like LDC does
(unless someone knows how to remove this restriction in LDC).
Am I missing something? It looks like the linker is trying to
use cryptographic functions and fatal erroring? Any tips?