On Sunday, 14 March 2021 at 15:45:19 UTC, Imperatorn wrote:
On Sunday, 14 March 2021 at 09:35:40 UTC, frame wrote:

In the past I've used a two patterns which are kinda wierd but. Basically the first is returning a tuple w value and exception and just check it, kinda like Go. The second approach is to have a function u can call to get the latest ex, kinda like GetLastError win api

I think that is like my pattern actually. I can call a method for the latest exception. But to throw it I need to create a new instance and copy the data.

I would like to have a proxy that can copy the data into a new instance without manually checking for the type via string comparison. I don't care for the call trace, this data is collected and saved as string before the DLL function returns.

The idea is to scan the TypeInfo memory area of the exception and replace it with the one that is valid for current context so the object can be recognized later and set the call stack reference or whatever the crash causes to null. Alternatively a new instance should be created and data just copied automatically.

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