On Sunday, 2 May 2021 at 15:41:13 UTC, kdevel wrote:
On Saturday, 1 May 2021 at 16:32:32 UTC, Basile B. wrote:
Hard breakage is not acceptable, even if the goal is to introduce a more correct behavior.

I still wonder why module names are taken as a candidates for types and functions in the first place. Isn't there a symbol table for module names separate from that for type and function names?

I dont think so. That would lead to special cases in fully qualified lookups. Lookups must follow the reverse lexical order of declarations so an import adds a symbols in the current scope.

BTW during the PR review the problem you encounter [was anticipated](https://github.com/dlang/dmd/pull/12178#issuecomment-773886263) si I guess you're stuck with [the author answer](https://github.com/dlang/dmd/pull/12178#issuecomment-773902749), i.e "this worked because of a special case".

Again you can still try to get the change turn into a deprecation first, that'd be legit.

Just checked how things are done in another language where modules are called “packages”:

I have checked in styx too. This does not work either but for another reason that D, that is that overloads are explicit, meaning all names unique in a given scope, so

unit s;

unit v;

struct s {}

import s;

var s s1;


u.sx:8:8: error, symbol `s` already declared line 6

same when the import and the var decls positions are exchanged.

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