... just wondering:

I am writing pretty trivial code, nothing out of the ordinary, and attempted to check how much of it could be marked safe ...

- Lots of tiny common library functions are pretty easy

- Getter/Setter properties are easy too

- almost all this() constructors are a no-go providing you do something in-between with the parameters until you assign them back to the target variables; eg: you have a char parameter (that you need to do something with it) that needs to be assigned to a class/structure string member variable and then it needs a cast ... but no castings are allowed with @safe

But when you start attempting to declare @safe chunks of code that actually DO things ... well, it seems end-of-the-story.

Declaring @safe void() main() {...} as I was advised in some previous post (to avoid declaring @safe everywhere) is almost impossible unless you are doing the hello world app.

I would love to hear how you, I mean the community, approach code safeness ?

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