(Responding out of order:)

On Friday, 2 July 2021 at 00:26:52 UTC, someone wrote:
But when you start attempting to declare @safe chunks of code that actually DO things ... well, it seems end-of-the-story.

If you find yourself unable to get real work done in `@safe` code, this is almost certainly a sign of one of the following problems:

0) You don't fully understand the purpose and valid use of any or all of the `@trusted`, `inout`, `scope`, and `return` annotations.

1) Your code is avoiding use of the garbage collector, and/or does not have `-dip1000` enabled. (`@safe` is still quite useful without the garbage collector, but even with `-dip1000` you'll still need a lot of `@trusted` code.)

2) You have at least one dependency that isn't correctly designed for use with `@safe`.

As long as you're willing to use the garbage collector, almost all algorithms can be expressed in an efficient `@safe` way, **but** this sometimes requires knowledge of several advanced features of D, and how and when to combine them.

but no castings are allowed with @safe

That is simply not true. Many explicit casts are `@safe`, as are nearly all implicit casts.

Casting away `const` or `immutable` is `@system`, but should hardly ever be necessary if you understand how to write constructors correctly (see below), and use `inout` appropriately.

Many reinterpret casts are also illegal, but `union` and `class` provide `@safe` ways of achieving the same goals for the common cases.

- almost all this() constructors are a no-go providing you do something in-between with the parameters until you assign them back to the target variables;

Constructors can be `@safe`, but you have to understand how they work in D:

The key difficulty is that what appears to be the first "assignment" to each field in a constructor actually constructs that field, instead. Subsequent assignments really are assignments.

So, when constructing a `const` object each field can only be "assigned" once, because the fields are also `const`, even in the object's constructor. If you need to do complex calculations to determine field values, use temporary variables and `static` helper functions until you get the final value, and then unconditionally assign that value to a field *once*.

**TLDR**; You probably don't understand how to use `@safe` correctly. (Most people don't; the rules are complicated and non-obvious.)

Post some example code that you think can't be `@safe`, and I can probably show you how to fix it, unless it involves manual memory management or an incompatible dependency. Even then, the non-`@safe` code can often be isolated behind an `@trusted` API.

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