When using implicit function templates, identical specialization yield different results.

template TFoo(T)        { void foo(){writeln("1");} } // #1
template TFoo(T : T[])  { void foo(){writeln("2");} } // #2

void foo(T)(){

void foo(T : T[])(){

void main(string[] args) { // Works
        TFoo!(int).foo();            // "1"
        TFoo!(double[]).foo();       // "2"
        foo!(int)();            // "1"
        foo!(double[])();       // "1" !

I'm fairly certain the last call _should_ yield "2", yet it does not. Should I submit a bugreport? And will that even help? There's even 'NEW' bugs from 2016 :'c


Interestingly enough, it seems I've made a previous thread about this in January (https://forum.dlang.org/post/zudtiruaxdfdwcjen...@forum.dlang.org), though in it I state `TFoo!(uint[]) yields the array version`, which as can be seen from the example above, is not or no longer true. Sadly I'm having issues with template arguments more often (https://forum.dlang.org/post/xkgpheuhohbffzgdb...@forum.dlang.org) And I sadly don't see any improvement to this happening any time in the future. Even bugs don't seem to get fixed in any timely manner (Not meant as an insult, just being realistic :/).

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