On Thursday, 20 January 2022 at 23:49:59 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:

so here is final code, in idiomatic D, as far as I can tell ;-)

curious output when using -profile=gc

.. a line referring to: std.array.Appender!(immutable(char)[]).Appender.Data std.array.Appender!string.Appender.this C:\D\dmd2\windows\bin\..\..\src\phobos\std\array.d:3330

That's not real helpful, as I'm not sure what line of my code its referrring to.

// ---------------

===================================================================== This program create a sample dataset consisting of 'random' records,
   and then outputs that dataset to a file.

   Arguments can be passed on the command line,
   or otherwise default values are used instead.

   Example of that output can be seen at the end of this code.

module test;

import std.stdio : write, writef, writeln, writefln;
import std.range : iota;
import std.array : array, byPair;
import std.random : Random, unpredictableSeed, dice, choice, uniform;
import std.algorithm : map, uniq, canFind;
import std.conv : to;
import std.stdio : File;
import std.format;

debug { import std; }

Random rnd;
static this() {  rnd = Random(unpredictableSeed); } // thanks Ali

void main(string[] args)
    int recordsNeeded, valuesPerRecord;
    string fname;

    if(args.length < 4)
        recordsNeeded = 10;
        valuesPerRecord= 8;
        fname = "D:/rnd_records.txt";
        // assumes valid values being passed in ;-)
        recordsNeeded = to!int(args[1]);
        valuesPerRecord = to!int(args[2]);
        fname = args[3];

    int[] idArray;
    createUniqueIDArray(idArray, recordsNeeded);

    int[][] valuesArray;
createValuesArray(valuesArray, recordsNeeded, valuesPerRecord);

int[][int][] records = CreateDataSet(idArray, valuesArray, recordsNeeded);
    ProcessRecords(records, fname);

    writefln("All done. Check if records written to %s", fname);

void createUniqueIDArray
(ref int[] idArray, const(int) recordsNeeded)
debug { writefln("idArray.capacity is %s", idArray.capacity); }

    int i = 0;
    int x;
    while(i != recordsNeeded)
       // id needs to be 9 digits, and needs to start with 999
       x = uniform(999*10^^6, 10^^9); // thanks Stanislav

       // ensure every id added is unique.
       if (!idArray.canFind(x))
idArray ~= x; // NOTE: does NOT appear to register with -profile=gc

void createValuesArray
(ref int[][] valuesArray, const(int) recordsNeeded, const(int) valuesPerRecord)
    valuesArray = iota(recordsNeeded)
            .map!(i => iota(valuesPerRecord)
            .map!(valuesPerRecord => cast(int)rnd.dice(0.6, 1.4))
.array).array; // NOTE: does register with -profile=gc

int[][int][] CreateDataSet
(const(int)[] idArray, int[][] valuesArray, const(int) numRecords)
    int[][int][] records;
debug { writefln("records.capacity is %s", records.capacity); }

    foreach(i, const id; idArray)
        // NOTE: below does register with -profile=gc
        records ~= [ idArray[i] : valuesArray[i] ];
    return records.dup;

void ProcessRecords
(in int[][int][] recArray, const(string) fname)
    auto file = File(fname, "w");
    scope(exit) file.close;

    string[] formattedRecords;
debug { writefln("formattedRecords.capacity is %s", formattedRecords.capacity); }

    void processRecord(const(int) id, const(int)[] values)
        // NOTE: below does register with -profile=gc
formattedRecords ~= id.to!string ~ values.format!"%(%s,%)";

    foreach(ref const record; recArray)
        foreach (ref rp; record.byPair)

    foreach(ref rec; formattedRecords)

sample file output:



// ---------------

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