On Saturday, 22 January 2022 at 01:33:16 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:

That second `valuesPerRecord` is not used in the lambda, and also it's not referring to the original element, it's the name of a parameter in the lambda.

Are you sure this is doing what you want?


It just worked, so i didn't think about it too much.. but it seems to work either way.

And to be honest, the only part of it I understand, is the dice part ;-)

In any case I changed it:

from: valuesPerRecord =>
to:  i =>

// ----

void CreateDataFile(const(int) recordsNeeded, const(int) valuesPerRecord, const(string) fname)
    auto rnd = Random(unpredictableSeed);

    auto file = File(fname, "w");
    scope(exit) file.close;

    Appender!string bigString = appender!string;

    const int iotaStartNum = 100_000_001;

foreach(i, id; iota(iotaStartNum, iotaStartNum + recordsNeeded).enumerate)
            ~= id.to!string
            ~ ","
~ valuesPerRecord.iota.map!(i => rnd.dice(0.6, 1.4)).format!"%(%s,%)"
            ~ "\n";


// ---

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