On Fri, Jan 21, 2022 at 10:12:42AM +0000, forkit via Digitalmars-d-learn wrote:
> Random rnd;
> static this() {  rnd = Random(unpredictableSeed); } // thanks Ali

Actually you don't even need to do this, unless you want precise control
over the initialization of your RNG.  If you don't specify the RNG
parameter in the calls to std.random functions, they will use the
default RNG, which is already initialized with unpredictableSeed.

>     // id needs to be 9 digits, and needs to start with 999
>     int[] idArray = takeExactly(iota(999*10^^6, 10^^9),
> recordsNeeded).array;

This is wasteful if you're not planning to use every ID in this
million-entry long array.  Much better to just use an AA to keep track
of which IDs have already been generated instead.  Of course, if you
plan to use most of the array, then the AA may wind up using more memory
than the array. So it depends on your use case.


Never wrestle a pig. You both get covered in mud, and the pig likes it.

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