On Monday, 25 April 2022 at 08:54:52 UTC, Chris Katko wrote:
alias sPair = Typedef!pair; // pair of xy in screen space coordinates alias vPair = Typedef!pair; // pair of xy in viewport space coordinates

This doesn't do what you think it does. Both `sPair` and `vPair` are the same type. If you want to create two distinct `Typedef`s from the same base type, you must use the optional `cookie` argument, as shown in [the examples in the documentation:][1]

alias MoneyEuros = Typedef!(float, float.init, "euros");
alias MoneyDollars = Typedef!(float, float.init, "dollars");

// The two Typedefs are _not_ the same type.
static assert(!is(MoneyEuros == MoneyDollars));

[1]: https://phobos.dpldocs.info/std.typecons.Typedef.html#examples

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