On Monday, 2 May 2022 at 22:01:51 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:
On 02.05.22 22:47, Stanislav Blinov wrote:
On Monday, 2 May 2022 at 20:16:04 UTC, ag0aep6g wrote:
On 02.05.22 21:17, Stanislav Blinov wrote:
On Monday, 2 May 2022 at 16:29:05 UTC, Loara wrote:
    template MyAlias(T){
      alias MyAlias = int;

    T simp(T)(MyAlias!T val){
      return T.init;

    int main(){
      simp(3);//Impossible to deduce T
That's not my answer. And it is nonsense, because my answer is - what T is irrelevant, MyAlias maps *all* types to int. Therefore `simp` takes an int, which is what the caller is passing.

And what does it return?

Perhaps one way could be to assume that the parameter passed is of type `aliasTemplate!typeOfVar` and see if it helps make sense of the invocation? This would only be done if the parameter's type doesn't directly match the required type nor it is implicitly convertible to it(which can be further constrained by... constraints...)
For example, here:
template MyAlias(T){
      alias MyAlias = int;
// Please note that I changed code, since this is the only way to get the type with which the template parameter was initialized
    U simp(T:MyAlias!U, U)(auto ref T val){
      return U.init;

    int main(){
      simp(3); // val is inferred to be of type MyAlias!int
      simp(”4”); // val is of type MyAlias!string
      simp!string([4,0]); val is of type MyAlias!(int[])
      MyAlias!float d =45;
simp(d); // val is inferred to be of type MyAlias!(MyAlias!float) // hopefully though the second MyAlias doesn't have to exist and it can just assume the type to be int

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