On Saturday, 4 June 2022 at 14:05:14 UTC, Paul Backus wrote:
   What does that mean? Am I `Error` blind?

Generally you do not need to subclass `Error` yourself. The most common way of throwing an `Error` in user code is to use `assert`, which (with default compiler flags) throws an `AssertError` on failure. Function contracts and struct/class invariants work the same way.

`git grep -Enw 'assert|unittest'` reveals that my code contains assert statements only in unittests. Someone (was it Walter?) once pointed out that asserts are ignored in relase mode (like C assert) and that for my purposes `enforce` (i.e. throw an Exception) is best suited.

3. Can you provide some piece of code which *must* throw `Error` and cannot
   throw an appropriate Exception?

This is entirely a question of API design. If it should be the caller's responsibility to check for some condition before calling the function, then you can throw an `Error` when that condition does not hold (or more likely, use an `assert` or an `in` contract to check for it).

Provided one does not catch `Error`s this means one has to isolate such an API design by using a subprocess. This is what one usually tries to avoid.

If it should be the callee's responsibility to check, you should throw an `Exception` (or use `enforce`).

If the library always throws exceptions it can be used in both API "designs". In the case that the implementor of the caller expects `Error`s instead of `Exceptions` she could use a small wrapper which catches the Exceptions and rethrows them as `Error`s. Likewise for error codes.

Using contracts and invariants impedes this approach.

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