On 6/5/22 04:43, kdevel wrote:
> On Sunday, 5 June 2022 at 00:40:26 UTC, Ali Çehreli wrote:
> [...]
>> Errors are thrown when the program is discovered to be in an invalid
>> state.
> The following program throws an `Error` in popFront:
>     import std.range;
>     void main ()
>     {
>        int [1] a;
>        auto q = a[1..$]; // line 6
>        q.popFront;       // line 7, throws core.exception.AssertError
>     }
> When the program counter (PC) is at line 6 the program is in a valid state.
> At no time the program is in an invalid state and it would not pass into
> an invalid state if popFront threw an `Exception` instead of an `Error`.

That looks like an argument for changing the behavior of D runtime when an out-of-bounds access occurs. Of course, it is too late to change that at this time but perhaps there can be a compiler switch like -boundstype=[error|exception].

The programmer has many options to prove that nothing crazy is happening. A common example suitable for many cases:

  enforce(!q.empty); // (Throws Exception)


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