Trass3r wrote:

>As you can see dmd.conf uses relative paths.
>That guide needs an overhaul.
>The easiest way is to copy the contents of the zip archive into some local
>dmd directory and add dmd/linux/bin to your PATH.
>(i.e. remove your etc/dmd.conf for now)

I did as you have said. Now a new error comes :-/.

"object.d: Error: module object is in file 'object.d' which cannot be read
Specify path to file 'object.d' with -I switch


I think you have not understood what my problem is. I'm not trying to solve a
problem with my source code. I'm having an issue in which I can'ct compile 
code( I
have compiled them using dmd in windows and they can be compiled in linux using 

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