On Sunday, 2 October 2022 at 11:00:06 UTC, Daniel Donnell, Jr wrote:
I thought I set everything up correctly, and now:

Exception thrown at 0x00007FF7D6E2E230 in metamath-d.exe: 0xC0000096: Privileged instruction. Unable to open natvis file 'c:\Users\fruit\.vscode\extensions\webfreak.code-d-0.23.2\dlang-debug\dlang_cpp.natvis'.

So what the hell do you D developers use to code with if A) Visual D doesn't work - it just ate my app.obj file and can't find it anymore no matter if I clean or re-order the executable paths in settings.

B) VS Code doesn't work out-of-the-box.

Every. Single. Time I get around to using D, there's always something that pops up and doesn't work right. And it never gets fixed. How the heck do you expect me to debug without a proper debugging IDE :|

Plenty of people are using Visual D and VS Code with D. Whatever the source of your problem, it's surely fixable. Though if no one has encountered this particular issue, then it may take some doing to figure out the problem.

I've emailed Rainer, the maintainer of Visual D, to notify him of this thread. He might have an idea of what's wrong, or at least will be in a position to ask more informed questions than I or others to help you solve the problem.

In the future, when you encounter Visual D issues, please post in the IDEs forum. Rainer checks in there more regularly and will be more likely to see your posts.


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