On 3/31/11 11:18 PM, Andrej Mitrovic wrote:
Actually, this still suffers from the problem when the returned char*
doesn't have a null terminator. It really sucks when C code does that,
and I've just experienced that. There is a solution though:

In those cases, doesn't the function return the length of the filled data or something like that?

Since we can detect the length of the D array passed into
`fromStringz`, we can do the job of to!string ourselves and check for
a null terminator. If one isn't found, we return a string of length 0.
Here's an updated version which doesn't suffer from the missing null
terminator problem:

string fromStringz(T)(T value)
     static if (isArray!T)
         if (value is null || value.length == 0)
             return "";

         auto nullPos = value.indexOf("\0");

         if (nullPos == -1)
             return "";

         return to!string(value[0..nullPos]);
         return to!string(value);

/Jacob Carlborg

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