On Thursday, 1 December 2022 at 22:16:30 UTC, jwatson-CO-edu
That was the trick, [inside the loop it detects the
gamepad](https://github.com/jwatson-CO-edu/nanoverse/blob/main/d/raylib/04_jsInput/source/app.d#L35). No other changes needed.
I have a new problem:
Raylib-d [can see all 6 gamepad
axes](https://github.com/jwatson-CO-edu/nanoverse/blob/main/d/raylib/04_jsInput/source/app.d#L44). However, they [all return 0](https://github.com/jwatson-CO-edu/nanoverse/blob/main/d/raylib/04_jsInput/source/app.d#L48) for all stick motion.
Do I need to initialize the gamepad somehow?