On Thursday, 22 December 2022 at 16:23:16 UTC, jwatson-CO-edu wrote:
I am confused about why Program 1 produces random output but Program 2 does not.

The code you have posted as "Program 2" is incomplete, and cannot be compiled as-is. I have made some changes in order to get it to compile and produce useful output, resulting in the following program:

#### sparrow_core.d

module sparrow_core;

import std.random;

Mt19937 rnd; // Randomness

void init_random(){
    // Seed the RNG with the clock
    rnd = Random( unpredictableSeed );

double rand01(){
    // Uniform random sampling in [0,1)
    return uniform( 0.0, 1.0, rnd);

void init_SPARROW(){
    // Populate necessary global structures
    init_random(); // --- RNG

#### app.d

module app;

import sparrow_core;
import std.stdio;

void main(){
    foreach (i; 0 .. 6)

When I compile and run the above program, I get the following output:


So, as far as I can tell, there is nothing wrong with your code, and the random number generator is working as intended.

Most likely you have made a mistake somewhere in the part of the code that you did not post, and that mistake is what's causing the lack of randomness you observed in the output.

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