So, I've gotten the itch to have a go at game development in D, after doing a bit of it in Java last year. I've previously used LWJGL, which is a java wrapper for OpenGL, OpenAL, GLFW, and some other useful libs.

The problem is, apparently OpenGL is deprecated for apple devices, so I don't really want to use that unless there are no decent alternatives.

So far, the most promising I've seen is [bindbc-bgfx](, but it's been a pain to set up due to having to build the bgfx codebase, which requires a specific version of glibc that my distro (Linux Mint) doesn't offer yet.

Are there any other recommendations for cross-platform rendering libraries? Of course I could use a pre-made game engine like Unity or Godot, but for me, most of the fun is in making the engine.

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