I'm increasingly using nested delegates to partition code.

void foo(Thing thing)
    void sendThing(const string where, int i)
        send(thing, where, i);

    sendThing("bar", 42);

...where the nested `sendThing` sometimes returns something, sometimes doesn't. `Thing` may be a class or a value type, `thing` may be a parameter to the parent function, may be a variable previously declared in the parent function, may be mutable or immutable, may be modified inside `sendThing`; any combination of things. If `sendThing` doesn't need to access the scope of `foo` I mark it `static` to enforce that, but mostly it does.

From the spec:

### `19.19.2` Delegates & Closures

3. Those referenced stack variables that make up the closure are allocated on the GC heap, unless:

* The closure is passed to a scope parameter.
* The closure is an initializer for a scope variable.
* The closure is assigned to a scope variable.

I'm generally not storing the delegates or passing them around as values, so I don't think the thing about scope variables and parameters *directly* applies.

Am I safe as long as I don't do something like, pass `&sendThing` as an argument to `std.concurrency.receive`?

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