On Wednesday, 27 March 2024 at 22:14:16 UTC, H. S. Teoh wrote:
What's the definition of this.map, this.faction, and this.currentTile?

As was said, and can be found on the linked repository, they are references to class objects.

On Thursday, 28 March 2024 at 01:47:27 UTC, Steven Schveighoffer wrote:
On Wednesday, 27 March 2024 at 21:43:48 UTC, Liam McGillivray wrote:
`Unit` destructor:
    ~this() {
        this.alive = false;
        if (this.map !is null) this.map.removeUnit(this);
if (this.faction !is null) this.faction.removeUnit(this); if (this.currentTile !is null) this.currentTile.occupant = null;

The GC does not guarantee destructor order. So this code is not valid -- e.g. you can't count on `map` to be a valid object at this point.

Well, this was originally done so that when I explicitly call `destroy` on a Unit object (which happens in-game) it will delete all references to itself.

Do you think it's better for me to move this code to a `die` function that I can call instead, which will then call for it's own destruction after running those function calls?

The *only* thing you should be doing in a destructor is freeing non-GC resources.

I read that the garbage collector *sometimes* but not *always* calls destructors on deletion, which sounds crazy to me.

The GC is not guaranteed to delete memory or run destructors. In the current implementation, it will destroy everything at the end of the program that was allocated using the GC, but the language does not guarantee this.

What's strange is that even if I explicitly call `destroy` for the only two objects at the end of the last unittest, it still happens. I assumed that each unittest was like it's own program, but I suppose not. It's deleting objects from an earlier unittest, right?

I may be now starting to see why the use of a garbage collector is such a point of contention for D. Not being able to predict how the garbage collection process will happen seems like a major problem.

As mentioned, GCs do not work this way -- you do not need to worry about cascading removal of anything.

Wanting to avoid the GC pauses that I hear about, I was trying to optimize object deletion so that the GC doesn't have to look for every object individually. It sounds like what I'm hearing is that I should just leave everything to the GC. While I can do this without really hurting the performance of my program (for now), I don't like this.

I hope that solving the unpredictable destruction pattern is a priority for the developers of the language. This problem in my program wouldn't be happening if either *all* of the objects had their destructors called or *none* of them did.

Anyway, I suppose I'll have to experiment with either manually destroying every object at the end of every unittest, or just leaving more to the GC. Maybe I'll make a separate `die` function for the units, if you think it's a good idea.

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