On Saturday, 25 May 2024 at 19:51:25 UTC, John Chapman wrote:

Not tested but from memory I do this:

1) Copy that first XML snippet from the page you linked, save to a file called example.exe.manifest 2) Create a resource script file called resources.rc, with this at the top:
   1 24 "example.exe.manifest"
3) Compile it with rc.exe
4) Include the resulting resources.res on your DMD command line

You might also need to call InitCommonControls or InitCommonControlsEx before creating any windows.

Added a few more line to my `resources.rc` file, it seems like the issue is the resource file not being touched at all.

I've put `dflags "resources.res" platform="windows"` in my `dub.sdl` file, it doesn't even care if there's a typo in the resource file's path.

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