On Mon, May 9, 2011 at 11:01 PM, Adam D. Ruppe <destructiona...@gmail.com>wrote:

> Nick Sabalausky wrote:
> > Do we know what that switch is for?
>  --no-warn-search-mismatch
>   Normally ld will give a warning if it finds an incompatible library
>   during a library search.  This option silences the warning.
> In the DMD changelog, there was a note about making the linker
> a little less noisy. I assume that's the reasoning behind the change.
> > Actually I just realized it was Gnome.
> Gnome sucks too!
> (I actually run a mostly custom linux gui. Customly hacked up
> window manager, custom theme, custom taskbar, hacked up terminals,
> hacked up IM client.... my own linux install is one of the very
> few on the planet that doesn't suck ass. It still sucks, mind you,
> just not ass anymore.)
> > XP seems to work fine for me in VirtualBox
> Yeah, it's not bad on my comp either, but I always find some
> annoying lag as menus pop up and things like that.
> Other benefits of remote desktop though are easier sound and
> file/clipboard sharing without installing anything in the guest.
> Whatever floats your boat, but after I tried out the remote
> desktop strategy I was very pleased.

I run Arch/Gnome in Virtualbox and get reasonable performance. There's some
menu lag, but it's not significant enough to bother me too much. It may just
be that my standards are lower :D
Virtualbox's guest additions and accelerated video definitely made a
difference for me, although apparently they don't yet support enough OpenGL
calls to allow Gnome 3's shell to run in a VM.

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