On 02/10/12 19:07, H. S. Teoh wrote:
> I'm not sure whether the following a compiler/language bug or a Phobos
> bug, but it's definitely some kind of bug:
>       auto s = "abc";
>       immutable t = "def";
>       writeln(typeid(s));     // immutable(char)[]
>       writeln(typeid(t));     // immutable(immutable(char)[])
>                               // (what is this supposed to mean?!)

The array itself is immutable, not just the elements.

>       char ch = 'c';
>       bool b = canFind(s, ch);        // OK
>       bool c = canFind(t, ch);        // Compile error??
> The compile error is:
> test.d:11: Error: template std.algorithm.canFind(alias pred = "a == 
> b",Range,V) if (is(typeof(find!(pred)(range,value)))) does not match any 
> function template declaration
> test.d:11: Error: template std.algorithm.canFind(alias pred = "a == 
> b",Range,V) if (is(typeof(find!(pred)(range,value)))) cannot deduce template 
> function from argument types !()(immutable(char[]),char)
> Can somebody explain what's going on here?

FWIW, it compiles fine here.


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