On 02/10/2012 07:10 PM, Marco Leise wrote:
Am 10.02.2012, 19:07 Uhr, schrieb H. S. Teoh <hst...@quickfur.ath.cx>:

I'm not sure whether the following a compiler/language bug or a Phobos
bug, but it's definitely some kind of bug:

auto s = "abc";
immutable t = "def";

writeln(typeid(s)); // immutable(char)[]
writeln(typeid(t)); // immutable(immutable(char)[])
// (what is this supposed to mean?!)

That is supposed to mean that you can neither modify the values of the
characters in the array nor the array itself:

immutable(char[]) does already say that.

t[1] = 'a'; // immutable(char)
t.length = 2; // immutable(...[])

It is a runtime bug, and has been discussed before, but I am not sure if it has been filed (probably yes). A similar bug has recently been fixed for the compiler's internal formatting exposed through error messages/.stringof:


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