
I've recently started to work with D, and I'll start a "bigger" project soon, using it. For a few days I've been thinking about the approach I'll take here, and since I don't /have/ to use full OOP in D, I was wondering... how crazy is it to not use full OP nowadays?

Naturally one would use objects, but since this isn't C#, or Java, not freaking everything has to be an object. The C style kinda feels more natural to me. (I know, I know, C naturally can do some OOP like stuff, etc... but you get the idea, mainly normal functions, some globals, yada, yada.)

What I want to know from you people... is that stupid? To even think about doing something like this? Basically mixing procedural and OOP? I know about the dangers, and disadvantages, but if those don't scare one away, would you consider it bad, if someone did this, on a larger project?

I'm looking forward to your answers.


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