H. S. Teoh:

> I mean, if you take OO to the extreme, that would require excluding all
> those evil procedural constructs like if statements and for loops, and
> write everything in terms of invoking object methods...  like this
> monstrosity:
> class MyClass {
>       void myMethod() {
>               IntVariable i;
>               ForLoopFactory.create(
>                       new IntSetter(i.address(), new Number(0)),
>                       new BooleanCondition(
>                               new LessThanComparator(i.address(),
>                                       100)),
>                       new IntAdder(&i, 1),
>                       new IfStatement(
>                               new EqualComparator(i.address(),
>                                       new Number(42)),
>                               new FunctionCaller(writeln.address(),
>                                       new String("Found it!")),
>                       )
>               ).execute();
>       }
> }
> which is, of course, completely ridiculous.

Smalltalk is a language composed of a very small number of parts, where every 
thing is an object. So in a sense, you write code like that, with a better 


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