On Friday, 17 February 2012 at 00:47:35 UTC, bioinfornatics wrote:
Le vendredi 17 février 2012 à 01:33 +0100, bioinfornatics a écrit :

S[] split(S)(S s); // merge space together


Un­qual!(S1)[] split(S1, S2)(S1 s, S2 delim); // do not merge delim
together ?


why the second split function do not merge delim together?
how merge delim together?

Code to try
import std.string;
import std.stdio;
import std.array;

void main( ){
  string test = "hi\t\tD is fun";
  string test2= "hi  D is fun";
  writeln( test.split("\t"));
  writeln( test2.split() );
  writeln( test2.split(" ") );
["hi", "", "D is fun"]
["hi", "D", "is", "fun"]
["hi", "", "D", "is", "fun"]

I was talking with bioinfornatics on IRC so I can clarify a bit of what he's saying. std.array.split without delimiter merges runs of adjacent whitespace. In the version where you can specify the delimiter runs are not merged leaving empty items in the resulting array. This is because the delimiter specifying version just calls std.algorithm.splitter which doesn't merge runs whereas the whitespace version of std.array.split uses its own internal algorithm to split.

Although the delimiter specifiable version's documentation doesn't say it would merge runs, one would assume it'd behave like its whitespace only cousin.

Either the docs should be clarified or the function should be changed to work like the other version (I prefer the latter solution).

Brad Anderson

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