Le vendredi 17 février 2012 à 02:00 +0100, Brad Anderson a écrit :
> On Friday, 17 February 2012 at 00:47:35 UTC, bioinfornatics wrote:
> > Le vendredi 17 février 2012 à 01:33 +0100, bioinfornatics a 
> > écrit :
> >> reading
> >> http://www.d-programming-language.org/phobos/std_array.html#split
> >> 
> >> ---------------------------------------------------
> >> S[] split(S)(S s); // merge space together
> >> 
> >> and
> >> 
> >> Un­qual!(S1)[] split(S1, S2)(S1 s, S2 delim); // do not merge 
> >> delim
> >> together ?
> >> 
> >> ---------------------------------------------------
> >> 
> >> 
> >> why the second split function do not merge delim together?
> >> how merge delim together?
> >> 
> >
> > Code to try
> > ----------------------
> > import std.string;
> > import std.stdio;
> > import std.array;
> >
> > void main( ){
> >   string test = "hi\t\tD is fun";
> >   string test2= "hi  D is fun";
> >   writeln( test.split("\t"));
> >   writeln( test2.split() );
> >   writeln( test2.split(" ") );
> > }
> > ----------------------
> > Result
> > ["hi", "", "D is fun"]
> > ["hi", "D", "is", "fun"]
> > ["hi", "", "D", "is", "fun"]
> I was talking with bioinfornatics on IRC so I can clarify a bit 
> of what he's saying.  std.array.split without delimiter merges 
> runs of adjacent whitespace.  In the version where you can 
> specify the delimiter runs are not merged leaving empty items in 
> the resulting array.  This is because the delimiter specifying 
> version just calls std.algorithm.splitter which doesn't merge 
> runs whereas the whitespace version of std.array.split uses its 
> own internal algorithm to split.
> Although the delimiter specifiable version's documentation 
> doesn't say it would merge runs, one would assume it'd behave 
> like its whitespace only cousin.
> Either the docs should be clarified or the function should be 
> changed to work like the other version (I prefer the latter 
> solution).
> Regards,
> Brad Anderson

Then, someone can tell if is bug ? if it will be fixed ? 

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