On Sun, Feb 26, 2012 at 5:25 AM, Ali Çehreli <acehr...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> On 02/25/2012 08:25 AM, Ashish Myles wrote:
>>    However the code above doesn't seem to work and requires me to
>>    explicitly invoke the slice operator myself like
>>      foreach(p; C[]) { ... }
>>    when my data structure clearly defines the following functions.
>>      Point3[] opSlice() { return _cpts[]; }
>>      const (Point3)[] opSlice() const { return _cpts[]; }
>>    Is this a misunderstanding on my part or an unimplemented feature?
> But I've just verified that the following works with dmd 2.058:
> import std.stdio;
> struct Point3
> {}
> struct MyCollection
> {
>    Point3[] _cpts;
>    Point3[] opSlice() { return _cpts; }  // <-- _cpts[] works too
>    const (Point3)[] opSlice() const { return _cpts; }
> }
> void main()
> {
>    auto coll = MyCollection();
>    foreach (i; coll) {
>        // ...
>    }
> }

Oh good to know. I had downgraded my dmd after some new CTFE bugs
resulted in compilation errors on some of my code, and hadn't thought
to check with the latest version.

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