Do you know why the nWayUnion() function is designed like that? It requires an 
array as argument. This is a simple Merge Sort that shows its usage:

T[] mergeSort(T)(in T[] D) {
    if (D.length < 2)
        return D.dup;
    return array(nWayUnion([mergeSort(D[0 .. $ / 2]), mergeSort(D[$ / 2 .. 

Isn't it better for it to just accept a variable number of arguments?

T[] mergeSort(T)(in T[] D) {
    if (D.length < 2)
        return D.dup;
    return array(nWayUnion(mergeSort(D[0 .. $ / 2]), mergeSort(D[$ / 2 .. $])));


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