Am 05.04.2012 17:56, schrieb bearophile:

My hand will be full with my own bugs, and I would like to suppose an
correctly working language...

If you use more than the basic C features, you will find DMD
compiler bugs (and probably the same is true for any D compiler,
because most bugs are in the front-end, that is shared). Lately I
hit new bugs less often, but they happen still.


Well, that's true, sometimes you hit a compiler or phobos-bug, but it's not like:

uhm, today I wanna code something, let's begin … 5 minutes later … uh tha fuq another compiler bug !!!!

It has gotten pretty rare that you hit them and when you do, you normally realize it very soon that this is a bug from the compiler (e.g. cod2.c shows up in the error message). And if you hit one, ppl in the IRC or here will help you out, with a bugfix or a workaround!

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