On Friday, 13 April 2012 at 18:47:55 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
I'd just like to verify that my understanding of T : T* in this template is

struct S(T : T*)
 T t;

It's my understanding that it's requiring that the template argument be implicitly convertible to a pointer to that type. However, as this
stackoverflow question shows:


it appears that the compiler is instead taking this to mean that the pointer part of the type should be stripped from the template argument's type. Given some of the bizarre stuff that happens with is expressions and the like, it's not out of the question that I'm just misunderstanding what the compiler is supposed to do with T : T* in this case (though I don't think so), so I'd like
to verify it.

- Jonathan M Davis

First, the argument type must match the form T*. The T can be any type; there is only one constraint here, the pointer head. So obviously, the argument type must be a pointer to anything to match T*, e.g. void*, shared(int)**, immutable(int)* etc. If it doesn't match, the template is dropped from the overload set.

If it does match, the newly created symbol T refers to the role of T in the parameter specialization. For arguments void*, shared(int)** and immutable(int)*, that would be void, shared(int)* and immutable(int) respectively.

Most forms of the `is` primary expression (IsExpression) are dedicated to allowing the same type inspection abilities (and some more) outside of template parameter lists, hence reading the documentation of IsExpression is a good idea [1]. In particular, it reveals that when the type specialization is dependent on the symbol identifier (e.g. there's a T in the T specialization) the resulting symbol refers to the deduced type; otherwise it is an alias of the type specialization, which explains the two uses you mention.

    [1] http://dlang.org/expression.html#IsExpression

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