On Thursday, April 19, 2012 09:01:15 Namespace wrote:
> Yeah, but
> const Vector2s vs_ = cast(Vector2s)(vf);
> don't work even with

I don't know why it isn't working for you. It's working for me. You can look 
at the altered code here: http://codepad.org/C5Td5tVz

I had to comment out the lines with Summe though, since there's no such 
function in the code that you gave.

You should be able to compare the two versions with diff -w (assuming that 
you're on Linux - I don't know what the equivalent would be on Windows). But 
as far as I can tell based on your messages, what you have should work, so 
there's obviously a discrepancy or miscommunication somewhere.

- Jonathan M Davis

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