On Saturday, 21 April 2012 at 23:54:26 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
Yeah. toLower would be called on both strings on _every_ compare. And since that involves a loop, that would make the overall call to sort an order of magnitude worse than if you didn't call toLower at all. I'm not sure if it's an order of magnitude worse than your solution though, since it's been a while since I studied Big(O) notation (doing the conversion only once is still more expensive than not converting, but I'm not sure how much more expensive - it might cost less than sort such that it actually doesn't matter as for as
Big(O) goes though).

- Jonathan M Davis

use of toLower in the sort expression adds around 11.2 secs overhead to a 0.3 sec operation which reads and sorts the 34k directory entries in this 2GB layout on the ssd drive, so it isn't an option for me.

finished! time:312 ms

finished! time:11598 ms

std.algorithm.sort!("toLower(a) < toLower(b)",std.algorithm.SwapStrategy.stable)(dirs); //std.algorithm.sort!("a < b", std.algorithm.SwapStrategy.stable)(dirs);

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