On Saturday, 19 May 2012 at 02:54:22 UTC, 1100110 wrote:
On Fri, 18 May 2012 21:31:57 -0500, Samuele Carcagno <sam.carca...@gmail.com> wrote:


Does the result of calling Pa_GetVersionText() closely match the version of the library installed on your computer?

I use Debian as well, and it's not exactly known for speedy updates... If your version is too old you'll probably have to backport the changes or compile a newer version.

(both are relatively easy.)

Did you call the initialization before trying this?

Pa_GetVersionText() gives me:
PortAudio V19-devel (built Nov 25 2010)

the version of the deb for portaudio19-dev is 19+svn20071022-3

so I guess I should try compiling a newer version of portaudio
to use it with d.

I also have a wheezy install and an Ubuntu Precise install, that
probably have newer portaudio versions. Unfortunately when I try
to install portaudio-v19 on those boxes though, synaptic wants to
audacity, ardour and jackd stuff, but I will let it do that
just to see if I can get the d program to compile with the
version available there.

Thanks for the help!

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