On 2012-06-14 11:19, Roman D. Boiko wrote:
I have not much experience in D programming yet, and one of things which
I frequently mess up is usage of various attributes, especially
immutable and related.

Could anybody make a review my code at
https://github.com/roman-d-boiko/dct/blob/master/fe/syntax.d, and
https://github.com/roman-d-boiko/dct/blob/master/fe/_/syntax.d with
respect to usage of attributes (immutable, const, pure, etc.),
contracts, and any other issues.

I'm redesigning my previous coding attempts to build D compiler front
end, and would like to pay attention to these aspects. Please note that
adding DDoc comments has been deferred because I need to learn how to
use them.

Just a note on the style. The convention is to but all attributes on front of the return type, except for "const", when "const" is referring to that the method is const and not the return type.

Another note.

class _Module : Module {...}

The underscore is unnecessary if you use fully quailed names:

class Module : fe.syntax.Module {...}

You can also use renamed imports or aliases.

/Jacob Carlborg

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