On Tuesday, 24 July 2012 at 03:25:55 UTC, ReneSac wrote:

Do I really have to duplicate the function, in order to achieve this?

In a nutshell, yes. Or else resort to bizarre sorcery such as may rot the very heart from one's chest (or template ninjitsu, whatever). But is it really so bad?

bool foo ( byte[] data, out int stats ) {
    // do a bunch of stuff

bool foo ( byte[] data ) {
    int dummy;
    return foo( data, dummy );

One could possibly put together a template that automates this... heck, here's a quick and dirty implementation of such:

import  std.stdio   ,
        std.traits  ;

template DummyLast ( alias Func ) {
ReturnType!Func DummyLast ( ParameterTypeTuple!Func[ 0 .. $ - 1 ] args ) {
        ParameterTypeTuple!Func[ $ - 1 ] dummy;
        return Func( args, dummy );

bool foo ( byte[] data, out int stats ) {
    stats = 42;
    return true;

alias DummyLast!foo foo;

void main () {
    byte[] data;
    bool result;
    int stats;
    result = foo( data, stats );
    writeln( result, ' ', stats );

    result = false;
    stats  = 0;
    result = foo( data );
    writeln( result, ' ', stats );

-- Chris NS

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