On Saturday, 4 August 2012 at 08:35:36 UTC, simendsjo wrote:
On Sat, 04 Aug 2012 03:01:31 +0200, Zeh <zec...@yahoo.com.br> wrote:

Thanks for the help, but i tryed both solutions posted and still not working. :/

I get erros to compile the code posted by simendsjo. I try modify at my own, but without success. The code suggest by Timon Gehr compiles, but not work.

Honestly speaking, i didn't have enough knowledge to understand the solutions offered (yet). What is the smallest way to use the "read_bool"?

Besides, one version of that tutorial in portuguese would be great =D

This works:
import std.stdio, std.string, std.conv;

bool read_bool(in string message) {
    while(true) {
        write(message, " (false or true): ");
        string input;
        do {
            input = readln().chomp();
        } while(!input.length);
        writeln("INPUT: '", input, "'");

            return input.to!bool();
        catch {}

void main() {
    write("How many are we? ");
    int personCount;
    readf(" %s", &personCount);

    write("How many bicycles are there? ");
    int bicycleCount;
    readf(" %s", &bicycleCount);

    write("What is the distance to the beach? ");
    int distance;
    readf(" %s", &distance);

    bool existsCar = read_bool("Is there a car? ");
    bool existsLicense =
        read_bool("Is there a driver license? ");

$ rdmd read_bool
How many are we? 10
How many bicycles are there? 1
What is the distance to the beach? 2
Is there a car?  (false or true): true
Is there a driver license?  (false or true): false

Very interesting way to solve the problem (at least for a noobie
like me ^^ ). Thanks for the help!

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