In this example the pID2D1Factory is a void*, so it will need a cast to the proper type with a cast(ID2D1Factory) soemtime after the create call;

Since this particular API takes an out void* (since it is capable of creating multiple unrelated types), it would need to look something like this:

HRESULT hr = D2D1CreateFactory(

if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        assert(pID2D1Factory !is null);
        ID2D1Factory factory = cast(ID2D1Factory)pID2D1Factory;
        factory.GetDesktopDpi(dpiX, dpiY);

I've been super busy at work so haven't had much time to respond to this thread.

Technically the API's fourth argument could be rewritten to be an 'out IUnknown', but then you are stuck calling QueryInterface, and back to having the exact same problem with the QueryInterface method.

Thanks a lot! That solved my issue.

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