
I'd like to achieve the following:
import std.stdio,std.range,std.algorithm,std.array;
void main(){
   auto dg=a=>a*2;
   auto a=iota(0,10);
but this doesn't compile:
Error: variable [...]dg type void is inferred from initializer delegate (__T26 a)
return a * 2;
, and variables cannot be of type void

However this works:

Your code doesn't look good, I suggest to write less golfed D code.

One solution to your problem is to define a function template (note the static, that is currently needed, but maybe not in future):

import std.stdio, std.range, std.algorithm, std.array;
void main() {
   static dg(T)(T a) { return a * 2; }
   auto items = iota(10);

1) why can't the compiler infer the type int(int) for dg?

Because in D there is no global inferencer, like a Hindley–Milner (and you can't defer typing as in one recent language).

I think not even Scala allows you to write code similar to:
auto dg = a => a * 2;

You need a language with global inferencing, like Haskell, ShedSkin, Idris, etc.


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