The std.container starts off with container primitives. Does this mean that all containers should support all these primitives? Because I could never get c.length to work for a simple SList.

Are there formal definitions for U and Stuff like in (U)(U[] values...) and (string op, Stuff)(Stuff stuff);

struct SList(T); // Implements a simple and fast singly-linked list.

Since SList is a structure and in the excellent book by Andrei[A..u], he says for structure constructors ( “…the compiler always defines the no-arguments constructor”.

This being the case shouldn’t one of the following compile?

SList(int) s1;
SList() s2;
SList s3;
auto s4 = SList;
auto s5 = SList();
auto s6 = SList(int);

And how does the std.array differ from the Array in std.container? Is the std.array array a class while the std.container array a structure?

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