On Saturday, November 03, 2012 19:38:13 Too Embarrassed To Say wrote:
> The std.container starts off with container primitives. Does this
> mean that all containers should support all these primitives?
> Because I could never get c.length to work for a simple SList.

They're a list of common operations, each of which has a maximal algorithmic 
complexity, and some of which require that they not invalidate ranges (i.e. 
they have stable in their name). Cointainers should implement as many of them 
as they can, but if they can't implement a function with at most the given 
algorithmic complexity, or they can't implement a stable function without 
invalidating a range, or if the function just plain doesn't make sense for 
that container (e.g. reserve and capacity make no sense for linked lists), 
then they don't implement them. SList doesn't have length, because length can 
at worst be O(log n) (I thought that it was O(1), but the docs say O(log n)), 
and SList can't implement it in better than O(n).

> Are there formal definitions for  U and Stuff like  in (U)(U[]
> values...) and (string op, Stuff)(Stuff stuff);

Those are template parameters. Why would you need a formal definition? They're 
just generic names for the types, just like T in struct SList(T).

> struct SList(T);   //  Implements a simple and fast singly-linked
> list.
> Since SList is a structure and in the excellent book by
> Andrei[A..u], he says for structure constructors (
> “…the compiler always defines the no-arguments constructor”.
> This being the case shouldn’t one of the following compile?
> SList(int) s1;
> SList() s2;
> SList s3;
> auto s4 = SList;
> auto s5 = SList();
> auto s6 = SList(int);

None of those will compile, because they all use templates incorrectly. SList 
by itself is not a type. It's a template for a type, so you can never use 
SList by itself. It must always be an instantiation of SList - e.g. SList!
(int) or SList!int (the parens are optional when there's only one template 
argument). You're giving the type for T in struct SList(T) when you do 
SList!int. Without that, you haven't instantiated SList, and you're dealing 
with an actual type. So, your lines without parens there won't work, and your 
lines with parens but no ! won't work. You can generally avoid explicitly 
instantiating templated functions, because the types of the template arguments 
are inferred, but that doesn't happen with templated types. The compiler has 
no way of knowing what you want to instantiate SList with unless you tell it.

I'd advise that you read the section on templates in TDPL if you haven't 
already, since you clearly don't understand them.

> And how does the std.array differ from the Array in
> std.container?  Is the std.array array a class while the
> std.container array a structure?

There's no relation whatsoever. std.array is a module. std.container.Array is 
a type. std.array contains functions that operate on built-in arrays. 
std.container.Array is a container similar to C++'s vector or Java's 
ArrayList, which encapsulates an array but adds extra functionality on top of 

- Jonathan M Davis

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