On 11/27/2012 01:56 PM, maarten van damme wrote:
Haven't looked at vibe.d yet because it looked more like a library for
writing web apps and  normal sockets should be enough.

Didn't know about Tango, I'll try deciphering the original d1 module.

... I mean no offense, but that sounds painful.

vibe.d is very modular, just import what you need.
I hate to push it, but it has very good documentation and examples.

Its designed for web apps, but it makes a nice little web library as well.

import vibe.vibe;

void main()
    auto client = new HttpClient;
    client.connect("www.google.com", 80);

    auto res = client.request((req){
        req.url = "/";

    logInfo("Response: %d", res.statusCode);

    foreach( k, v; res.headers )
        logInfo("Header: %s: %s", k, v);

    (new NullOutputStream).write(res.bodyReader);

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