On Sunday, 9 December 2012 at 19:34:05 UTC, anonymous wrote:
On Sunday, 9 December 2012 at 19:24:24 UTC, js.mdnq wrote:
In this particular case you can do this:
mixin template GenStruct(string stringname)
   struct S
   mixin("alias S " ~ stringname ~ "alpha;");

But what if I use more than one mixin? I'll have multiple structs
with the same name.

That's not an issue.

"If two different mixins are put in the same scope, and each define a declaration with the same name, there is an ambiguity error when the declaration is referenced" (note: when it's referenced, not when it's declared)
"If the name of a declaration in a mixin is the same as a declaration in the surrounding scope, the surrounding declaration overrides the mixin one"
- http://dlang.org/template-mixin.html


No, I mean, if I use the mixin more than once?


then I'll have

struct s { } alias s s1;
struct s { } alias s s2;

which will fail or not be what I want, since I want to generate the structs s1 and s1.

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