On Thu, Dec 13, 2012 at 11:56 AM, js.mdnq <js_adddot+m...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I need to get the number of type parameters of a class at compile time:
> class a(T1, T2, ...)
> {
>    static if (a.TypeInfo.NumParameters == 1)
>       ....
>    else
>       ....
> }
> Is this possible?

Yes, it's possible:

// Inside the class, it's easy:
class Test(T...)
    enum num = T.length;// T is known here

// Outside the class, it's a bit tricky, but quite doable:
template TemplateArity(Type)
    enum T = Type.stringof;
    mixin("alias " ~ T ~ " U;");
    static if (is(Type _ == U!Args, Args...))
        enum TemplateArity = Args.length;
        enum TemplateArity = -1;

void main()
    alias Test!(int, double, string) T;

    assert(T.num == 3); // Internal knowledge
    assert(TemplateArity!T == 3); // External deduction

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