I see now why it was returning a bool as that is the type of the template argument passed.

class A(bool x = true)

then your TemplateArgs returns `tuple(bool)`. What I'm looking for is something that returns `(x)`. For class A(T1, T2, bool x = true) I would like `(T1, T2, x)`.

To see why this will help, in my Nested structs code, I have to do the following:

class _A(...., bool _NestedLevel = true) {
enum string __ClassNameFix = "_A!(....";

Using what you said about typeof(this), I can now remove the class name dependency, so I have this:

enum string __ClassNameFix = __traits(identifier, typeof(this))~"!(....";

Now I want to remove the type argument list dependency(the `!(...` part).

Once that is done, I can completely remove the __ClassNameFix since I can get the class name and template arg names without user intervention. The whole point of __ClassNameFix was to provide a way for the user to specify the class name and args. I had to use strings so I could parse them. (since in my mixins I'll set _NestedLevel to false and such, using strings, which is easy)

If I could go the next step and get the template argument names it will drastically reduce the code in my template mixins.

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