On Friday, 15 February 2013 at 10:01:35 UTC, Jonathan M Davis wrote:
On Friday, February 15, 2013 10:51:00 Colin Grogan wrote:
Does anyone here have any alternatives for me so that in my
'engine' or 'main' classes I can simply write:

     import utils;

and still have my source files neatly laid out in manageable

The only way that you can have a single import which imports multiple modules is if the module that you're importing publicly imports the other modules. And
there is no way to do something like

import utils.*;

And remember that modules always correspond to files, and packages correspond to folders, so there's a one-to-one correspondance between what you'd import and what you'd put in the file system (unless you use public imports to make it so that importing a module imports stuff from outside that module).

- Jonathan M Davis

I was actually going to post a similar question, but it looks like this would be a better place to post!

I know that a module can only be defined once, but I feel like there could be times where it would be helpful to be able to have the same module defined in separate files and I have an example. Right now, I am working on a binding and I am making use of the package access modifier to allow me to use internal objects that the end user will not be able to access directly. Problem is, my source files have many classes and are pretty convoluted. If I could define the module more than once I could split the source files up and it would be easier to work on, but I would still be able to share package declared objects and methods between modules like I do now. If I put the source files into their own packages, they are now hidden from source files I want them to be used in.

Here's what I mean:


Anything defined with package is accessible between these.


Now things defined as package in mainpackage.system.thing1 are only accessible in mainpackage.system, but can't be accessed in mainpackage.window.


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