On Monday, 18 February 2013 at 12:55:13 UTC, Lubos Pintes wrote:
I just updated to DMD 2.062. I then tried to recompile somewhat bigger project. After fixing some errors, I received dozens of errors like this: Error 42: Symbol Undefined _D3std6string6formatFYAya (immutable(char)[] std.string.format(, ...)) I didn't see them when compiled with DMD 2.060. I am using VisualD and I tried the "Rebuild solution" command to be sure everything is recompiled.

You have some object file or a library that was built using dmd 2.060 or earlier and uses std.format. Maybe you are using some D library that was built separately (not as a part of your project)? If so, you need to rebuild that library with dmd 2.062. If that is not the case, this sounds like a bug in VisualD to me.

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