On 03/03/13 10:06, Johannes Pfau wrote:
Am Sun, 03 Mar 2013 09:58:41 +0100
schrieb "Ivan Kazmenko"<ga...@mail.ru>:

Can anyone advise on the theoretical basis for the
unpredictableSeed method in std.random?  I've tried googling
around for the theory of good thread-safe seed generation
methods but haven't really found anything. :-(

I have to ask: what would be a good unpredictableSeed by
definition?  With the current implementation, three downsides
come to my mind:

1. Process ID, thread ID and system tick are insecure sources of
randomness and can provide just a few bits of randomness in
certain situations.  I don't know how to address this in a
portable way.

2. Once we know the first seed, it is easy to predict all
subsequent seeds.  A solution would be to use a secure RNG
instead, not just the one which gives away its state.

3. It would be a particularly bad idea to initialize MinstdRand0
instances with consecutive unpredictableSeeds and then consider
them independent.  This is just a consequence of a particular
choice of RNG on the previous step.

So, which of these do you consider the real problems, and what
more do you need from unpredictableSeed?

Ivan Kazmenko.

Maybe it would make sense to use /dev/random where available? (The
problem is that /dev/random can block. On small embedded systems
without monitor/mice/keyboard this can happen easily)

/dev/urandom can be used if /dev/random is block:
the available entropy can be used as criterion:

Since a very long while I have written a piece of C code to do so and to read
from an environment dedicated environment variable in view to reproduce the
generated sequences if necessary (mainly debugging):
I use it intensively for numerical experiences and it works very well.


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